Puzzle craft 2 tips and tricks
Puzzle craft 2 tips and tricks

How you equip skills to your dwarfs will have a large effect on how well you can defend. Use "P" to pause the game so you can navigate the level and plan your strategy (zooming out will show you all monsters as big icons).Use "Ctrl" to open another quick slot bar.Double-click a placed ingredient to spread it to adjacent cells.Click a missing ingredient to switch to its inventory page.

puzzle craft 2 tips and tricks

  • When crafting an item for the first time:.
  • Tea, beer, and wine makes dwarfs move quicker.
  • The elevator mechanism requires a 3x2 area, but the shaft below only needs to be 1 block wide, and can contain ladders.
  • Place an elevator at the top of a vertical shaft.
  • You can have more than one wagon on the same rail track to quickly transport more than one dwarf horizontally.
  • Dwarfs will drop crafted items onto the stockpile for faster gathering.
  • Build a vertical shaft above the stockpile and put crafting stations in a column over it with ladders between levels.
  • Constructing a foreground block on top of a scaffolding immediately return the scaffolding to your inventory-there's no need to haul it back to the stockpile.
  • Removing scaffolding is instant, and doesn't require assembly by dwarfs.
  • Scaffolding is erected immediately and doesn't require assembly by dwarfs.
  • Use scaffolds for construction, mining and even in fighting.
  • Skeletons and Goblins sometimes drop better weapons and good loot, so fight them often, especially in the early game.
  • Destroy the goblin camp for loot to give yourself time to advance before they spawn another camp.
  • Mine second background layer of material by replacing with dirt.
  • You can instantly build anything by manually controlling a dwarf because you have access to all items.
  • Shamelessly use the portal spell, especially in the early game, when leveling up happens more frequently, replenishing the mana pool.
  • Place different dishes on tables, or dwarfs will get bored of the same food and not eat.
  • Mages will use health elixirs automatically.
  • Improve the comfort level of your shelter by replacing home walls with wood and then better materials.
  • Dwarfs without a bed are unable to sleep.
  • Try to fight enemies while they are spread out, by catching them with a portal spell.
  • Archers can do damage from distance, but cannot fire unless the enemy is 2 blocks away.
  • Use magic fireball and other offensive spells to aid the dwarfs if they are swarmed.
  • Dwarfs will run if hit too often from both front and back, avoid this by taking control of the dwarf.
  • Use the swordsman/archer/mage skill books as soon as you get them, so that your dwarfs will deal more damage.
  • Seal your base under three layers of dirt, only venturing to the surface using the portal spell.
  • Spikes are so good at delaying hordes but consume resources, so limit your their use too (creating many 2*2 stone block pits from both base sides are more effective, and some stone can be retrieved after it is destroyed).
  • Note that traps will be consumed in the process and re-crafting traps will quickly deplete your wood/iron resources, so limit their use.
  • Wisely use wooden/iron traps to kill/injure monsters and to kill animals near your base, instead of running after them.
  • Use wood/ iron cages to hold monsters and delay them as much as possible.
  • Sand walls may be used as a good defensive setup.
  • Most monsters cannot climb, unless they find a shield stair.
  • You can create pits around your shelter to trap monsters.
  • Use stone loopholes to reduce the damage received.

    puzzle craft 2 tips and tricks

    Ranged enemies like skeleton archers though can shoot through the door/hatch and damage dwarfs.

    puzzle craft 2 tips and tricks

    While melee monsters are attacking a door/hatch, you can attack them from inside safely without getting damaged.Dying in lava destroys equipment (armor, weapons, etc.) rather than leaving loot that other dwarfs can collect. When a dwarf falls into lava (the bottom of the "world"), it takes severe damage and dies unless they manage to get out.Stay away from guardians until you have mythril weapons.Use beware sign to limit and prevent dwarfs from moving into dangerous locations, like deep waters, heights or enemies.And as a bonus, loot weapons can be disassembled to iron ore & other materials. Leave one or two graveyards as you may need to kill the spawned skeletons to get skeleton's bones for crafting and for keeping your dwarfs challenged, improving their fighting skills. Or do it during night to get some extra easy experience. Do it during day time so any spawned skeletons die immediately. Destroy graveyards as soon as possible in order to reduce the number of skeletons you encounter during night time.Only goblins steal items from your stockpile, so if there are too many enemies for your tribe, you can move all your dwarfs to a safe place and return in the morning without having items stolen.

    Puzzle craft 2 tips and tricks